Berkeley Castle takes Covid-19 Very Seriously
Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, Berkeley Castle Management has put in place procedures to protect our Tenants, Staff and Visitors. These steps MUST be followed while on the premises.
4 Steps to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19
Step 1 – MASKS
Step 2 – SIGN-IN
- A mask must always be worn in Common Areas.
- Anyone without a mask will NOT be allowed to enter the complex.
- The Management Office has reusable masks available at a cost of $5.00 and will be charged back to your company. ($1.50 from each mask will be donated to the Daily Bread Food Bank.)
- All Tenant’s, their Staff and Visitors MUST sign-in as they enter the complex.
- Sign-In books will be located at the 2 Berkeley Street main entrance and the access to Berkeley Castle from the Princess Garage SP lobby.
Everyone must wash their hands when they enter the complex.
Once you have signed-in, proceed directly to hand-washing station
- Access to Berkeley Castle is restricted to the main entrance at 2 Berkeley Street and from the Princess Garage SP lobby.
- To exit the complex, use the East Gate under the passageway or through the Princess Garage.
- The doors will be open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Security is on duty during off-hours.
- We encourage people to follow the 2 metre social distancing guidelines as follows:
- Maximum 2 people in the elevators at a time.
- Stairwells in each building have been designated UP or DOWN please follow the directions.
- Bathrooms are for single use only. Occupied/Unoccupied locks have been installed above the door handles.